Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness is a “personality trait which determines, in large part, how people respond to challenge, stress and pressure, irrespective of their circumstances.”

What is it?

Understanding more about Mental Toughness offers an insight into ‘how we think’. In other words, why we act and respond emotionally to events. It enables us to understand our own mindset in a very practical way.

Published research and case studies show that Mental Toughness is a major factor in:

  • Performance: explaining up to 25% of the variation in performance in individuals

  • Agility: more engaged, more positive, more ‘can do’, dealing well with change

  • Wellbeing: more contentment, better stress management, less prone to bullying

  • Aspirations: more ambitious, prepared to manage more risk

How does understanding Mental Toughness help?

By understanding and exploring the characteristics that make up Mental Toughness, we can help individual and teams identify areas to focus on and develop

  • CONTROL - Life Control & Emotional Control

  • COMMITMENT - Goal Orientation & Achievement Orientation

  • CHALLENGE - Risk Orientation & Learning Orientation

  • CONFIDENCE - In Abilities & Interpersonal Confidence

We use Mental Toughness in a variety of ways from team building to interpersonal skills, from communication to emotional intelligence.

Mental Toughness has a particularly strong role in Coaching and Mentoring where it supports the development of self-awareness of strengths and development needs.

How we can help.

Praxis is licensed to provide coaching and training using the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ), as a key element.

The MTQ is a fully researched, tested and validated psychometric tool and provides unique and valuable insight for an individual about their mental toughness.

As part of our training and coaching we can use the MTQ to help provide a very different perspective on individual and/or group performance.

On completion of the MTQ each individual receives a personalised feedback report which not only explains their MTQ scores, but offers practical personal development suggestions.

Through either a group/individual coaching session or a workshop, Praxis can help you understand how and where individuals, groups and teams can develop their mental toughness and improve their performance as a result.
