Coaching for Individuals

As humans we are resourceful. But, at times, we feel we have a greater ability to tap into those resources than others. Coaching offers the chance to locate those resources and explore you can use them differently or better. 

Coaching will help you be your most resourceful ‘you’, helping you tap into and realise your own potential.

+ How can coaching help you?

Sometimes we all just get a little bit stuck. Investing some time to work with a coach can help you get unstuck. It will help you to understand yourself a little better, help you re-assess and re-set your priorities, and map the path you’re going to take next.

Coaching provides you with a mirror. An opportunity to take a look at you and the choices you are making. It offers a chance to explore what you’d like to change about yourself. It offers an opportunity to identify your own solutions, to better manage personal frustrations and tap into your own resourcefulness.

A good coach will listen to you. They’ll ask the right questions. They’ll hold up a mirror for you. They’ll challenge your perceptions and support you to solve problems. They’ll help you set goals and hold you to account.

Coaching offers the opportunity to look at things from a new or different perspective, to challenge yourself and the beliefs and actions you hold and take that hold you stop you being resourceful and realise your true potential.

Through coaching, you can take personal ownership of the next leg of your life's professional or personal journey.

Coaching is a two way process; sometimes it may challenge but it should always reward.

Coaching can give you a fresh perspective, help you to be more self-aware means and be more confident as a result. Ultimately, helping you take control of the choices you make.

+ What could coaching do for you?

That depends on what you want to achieve. At the heart of coaching lies 'resourcefulness' - the most important outcome of any coaching will be enabling you to locate and use yours.

Coaching is for everyone at any stage of life and career. It helps people solve problems at work, it helps improve relationships, it helps change habits, and helps people make big life choices. There is no single reason, or benefit – the outcomes you achieve are as individual as you are.

+ What is our coaching offer?

We can offer you the following types of coaching:

1-2-1 Professional Performance Coaching

Coaching specifically geared to help you unlock your professional potential. Whatever stage you are at in your career, performance coaching provides a valuable opportunity to seek perspective. Your caoch will help you identify challenges, set priorities, and decide on actions to help you make change happen.

We specialise in supporting individuals who are facing transition. Change can be pretty hard to navigate well and so our coaching focuses on tapping into personal resourcefulness, exploring the impact of transition and establishing the strategy and actions necessary to maximise on the opportunities it creates.

Personal Coaching

Sometimes in life we just need to take a step back and make sense of it all. Coaching can be the perfect way to take stock, reflect and make some choices.

Whether you’re thinking about a job move, or making a big life decision or trying to challenge an unhelpful habit, coaching can help. Together we can explore the goals you’re looking to achieve, identify the ways you’re holding yourself back, build personal confidence and take the actions that will make a big difference in your life.

Coaching shouldn’t be daunting, its just having a great conversation with someone you trust, who has no agenda, and who will always have your best interest and needs at heart.

+ My approach to coaching

I have been fortunate enough to spend most of my career working with people. I have always been struck that whatever challenges people face, invariably, they do have what it takes to overcome them. This belief in people is at the heart of my coaching approach.

I am there to provide the nudge sometimes necessary to unstick an issue or a problem, to challenge a mindset or belief that isn’t working, and to offer a chance to re-frame a perspective.

Coaching is 100% about you. It’s 0% about me.

+ How does coaching work?

Once you decided to commit to some coaching, what a session looks like will be very much dependant on your needs and goals. A coach's job is to listen, to ask questions, and maybe use some exercises to help you understand and explore the issues important to you.

Our sessions will offer a chance to deep-dive on a particular goal or challenge, explore the current reality and what’s holding you back. The goals of the session will be positive outcome focused, identifying the options open to you and the actions you’re going to take.

There may be ‘homework’ – things to observe or notice, some reading or maybe a task to complete.

The time between sessions is as important as the sessions themselves, the opportunity to reflect, make some decisions and try some things out is key in reaching your goals and achieving the changes you want to. We’ll review those experiences at the next session when you can use the insight to decide on your next steps.

+ The nuts and bolts

Before making any investment, you want to make sure you understand what it is you’re signing up for and what’ll you’ll get in return. This is especially true when you’re making that investment in yourself.

We keep things simple. So, you get 3 simple steps…

1. Free ‘chemistry session’ – this when we first discuss chat through what coaching is all about and explore what you want from it. It’s your opportunity to see if we fit. There’s no obligation to sign up, if the fit doesn’t feel quite right for you. We can even help you find another coach from our extensive network of Barefoot qualified coaches.

2. One ‘goal setting’ session – the first opportunity to dig deep into what you want to achieve through the coaching.

3. Six 1-to-1 coaching sessions - each session is a maximum 90 minutes and take place virtually. Making it possible to flex around your schedule.

+ Is coaching for you?

Coaching can be for anyone. Coaching is a way of investing in yourself, maybe you’re at critical junction or you’re just feeling a little stuck. If there’s something you’re not satisfied with coaching can provide the catalyst to making the changes you want.

Finding the right coach is important, you should seek out someone who you can connect with and who connects with you. Coaching is a two-way process and to get the most from it there must a positive energy and chemistry between you and your coach.

A good coach is someone who listens, who seeks to understand, who questions and challenges. Someone who is curious and interested. Your coach should be someone you look forward to talking with, someone who is genuinely places your needs at the heart of the relationship.

If you’re interested in exploring how coaching could help you and would like to find out more, let's chat more.

